Click here to download the 2022 2nd Semester Examination Time Table updated on 11/06/2024
Examination Notice
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The closing date to call application for the 19th Diploma Awarding Ceremony has been extended to 25th February 2024. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

The closing date to call application for the 19th Diploma Awarding Ceremony will be extended up to 12th February 2024.

There is no penalty for the extended period (up to 12th February 2024).

Online payments are not accepted.

For more details

Calling Application for the 19th Diploma Awarding Ceremony

19th Diploma Awarding Ceremony is scheduled to be held on 06th, 07th and 08th of May 2024 at BMICH.  Applications are called from eligible students who have successfully completed their HND by Academic Year 2021.

Students those who have received provisional results for 2021-2nd Semester Examination from the ATI are also can apply for the convocation If they completed all the subjects including Internship/ Industrial Training on or before 25th August 2023. If the students found not eligible for the convocation after receiving the final result, the convocation fee will be refund to the student.

Students who have not applied for the diploma certificate in previous academic years are also informed to submit the application forms to issue the diploma certificate.

Students should fill the application form and pay the convocation fee Rs. 6,500.00 on or before 05th February 2024 to the following SLIATE account and submit the bank receipt to the ATI with the application form.

The student should confirm the correct full name which should be used for the diploma certificate.

Payment information as follows:

Convocation charges (without penalty)          :- Rs. 6,500.00

Name of the Bank                                       :- People’s Bank

Branch                                                       :- Hyde park corner branch, Colombo 02

Account No                                                :- 025-1001-3-3397613

Closing date for the applications and payments :-  05th February 2024

Please refer to the attachment for the application.


Download this file (DC 1 Form.pdf)Application[ ]96 kB

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