
Applications are now called for the HNDIT (Full Time) programme of Advanced Technological Institute (ATI) Trincomalee. The application process should be done only via and any other means of applying will not be accepted. || Admission of students to the ATIs... Click here for more details


The Federation of IT Industry Sri Lanka (FITIS) is celebrating 25th year anniversary in 2017. Thus, infotel 2017 National ICT Exhibition celebrates its 25th year Anniversary in November 2017 as the flagship event of FITIS.

But, in a different shape and face this time, equipped with the new theme “ 25 Years and Beyond – Towards a Digital Economy”. We have devised a new solution based strategy which will bring together hardware, software, education and telecommunication personnel to achieve the expected final outcome of sustainable development. Our aim is to decrease public debut and grow the country’s GDP as much as 50-60% within 5 years through our new strategy with latest technological progress.

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